Look at me! I am a Beabull puppy! My Mom is Candy a 50lb Beabull and my Dad is Garmin a 58lb English Bulldog. I was born on December 7th and I will be ready for my forever home on February 1st! I have been family raised on a mini farm in the country around children. I have had my shots and de-wormers. I have been checked by a veterinarian and microchipped. For more information or to schedule a visit with me, please contact Dennis and Verna Monday through Saturday. All Sunday calls will be returned on Monday.
I will come with a small bag of my current food, my vet papers, shot and dewormer records.
We would be happy to help you with setting up transportation and shipping of your puppy if needed at an additional cost.
Beabulls are a mixed breed dog with their purebred parents being Beagles and English Bulldogs. Loving bundles of energy and affection, these dogs have playful and friendly traits from both parents. They are known to have bursts of energy and playfulness, then afterward cuddle up next to their owner for a nap. Beabulls are very curious and love to explore and play with their owners, to which they are extremely loyal. Although they shed a lot and are not for owners with allergies, they can adapt to different living environments, and will do well in a large backyard as well as in an apartment. Known to be extremely affectionate, Beabulls will be very friendly to their family members and are great pups to be around children! Beabulls can be very stubborn and mischievous, and can howl like their Beagle parent, so they are not recommended for first time owners. Because of their tendency to be vocal, they make excellent guard dogs, but should be introduced to other animals in the house early on, so they do not develop undesired behaviors.
Beabulls are usually brown and white or tri-colored, with variations in the pattern of their coat. They are typically between 12-16 inches tall and weigh between 30 and 60 pounds.