Becky Sue
10 weeks old
femaleBirth Date
Oct 28, 2024Size
smallAvailable On
Dec 23, 2024Registration
Generation P
Arf!Arf! Hi!! I am an excited and adorable Bichon Frise puppy, and I'm excited because I get to meet you! I love to lick faces so be prepared for
plenty of sloppy puppy kisses! I have a keen and smart temperament , am easy to train and would love to learn some tricks! My mother Betty Jo
is a family pet and runs freely on the property. She would love to meet you when you come for a visit. I love lots of attention and
will make you laugh at my silly antics. My bright eyes, floppy ears and wagging, happy tail will make me your cutiest best friend and happiest companion. I will be by your side always and will get super excited any time I get to go with you on an adventure!
I am checked by the vet and have been given my shots and dewormer and have been healthy since birth. I love people and cannot wait to meet my family, please hurry and call about me today! Call now to ask about
me and schedule a time to meet me! I have a puppy kiss just for you!
About The Breeder:
Barbie Stoltzfus
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