Forest is a beautiful Bichon Frise puppy! He has a sweet and loyal personality, and is super playful. He weighs around 6 lbs now; his expected adult weight is 16 lbs. Bichons will not shed and are hypo-allergenic, so he would be the perfect small house dog! Their small adult size makes them great for children and lap dogs. :)
Forest is up to date on dewormer and vaccinations. He has been microchipped, and has had a thorough vet exam. He will also be AKC registered! He will go to his forever home with papers (health record & guarantee, info on microchip, his parents, my business, etc) and a complimentary puppy care package (extra food, toys, treats). Forest's parents are both AKC registered Bichons, and weigh around 16 lbs. The mom is on-site and we have pictures & info for the dad.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or if you'd like to schedule a time to come meet him! We would be happy to hear from you!
Pickup is on-site only; we do not ship. Cash payments only.