7 weeks 2 days old
femaleBirth Date
Nov 24, 2024Size
smallAvailable On
Jan 20, 2025Registration
Look at me! I'm a Boston Terrier Puppy! My Mom is Bonnie and my Dad is Biscuit and he is 26lb. I was born on November 24th and will be ready for my forever family on January 20th. I am family raised on a mini farm in the country around children! I am up to date on my shots and dewormers. I will be checked by a veterinarian! For more information or to set up an appointment to visit me please contact Paul! All Sunday calls will be returned on Monday.
I will come with my health records and a bag of my current food.
Boston Terriers are known to be extremely affectionate dogs that are very playful, intelligent, and friendly. These dogs can adapt well to about any living environment, as long as they are played with a lot, and receive enough opportunities to exercise. Not only are these dogs the perfect play companions, they are very intelligent and love to be mentally stimulated as well. Overall Boston Terriers are known to be affectionate and have been called the “American Gentleman” because of their lovable nature and tuxedo-like markings on their coats. Although very charming, Boston Terriers can also be stubborn, and can require persistence in training. They are also very sensitive dogs and need motivation and encouragement rather than harsh reprimands in order for them to listen and feel loved. While they were originally bred as fighting dogs, Boston Terrier owners agree none of the traits of these lovable pups show any of this at all.
Boston Terriers are a short hair dog breed with coats that are usually black and white, with a muscular and sturdy build, despite being smaller dogs. Their face has a flat nose that is not wrinkly, which can make them more likely to snort, drool, and snore. They do not adjust well to hot or cold temperatures, and should not be out in extreme conditions.
About The Breeder:
Paul Schlabach 7150
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