Look at me! I am an AKC registered Boxer puppy! My Mom Mia is 60lbs and my Dad Red is 85lbs. I was born on November 30th and I will be ready for my forever home on January 25th! I have been family raised on a farm in the country. I have had my shots and de-wormers. I have been checked by a veterinarian and microchipped. For more information or to schedule a visit with me, please contact Leroy Monday through Saturday. All Sunday calls will be returned on Monday.
I am socialized daily! I will come with my vet and shot and dewormer records, a 1 wk health guarantee, and some food upon request.
We would be happy to help you with setting up transportation and shipping of your puppy if needed at an additional cost.
Boxers are known for their boxy, muscular frame but extremely friendly personality. They are very playful with a super high energy and intensity level, so they need a lot of exercise. These dogs are also very intelligent and easy to train, but should not be reprimanded harshly because they are also very sensitive dogs. They prefer for the training to be fun and do not like to be bossed around. Boxers will shed a lot but are very easy to groom although they do drool a lot and snore. Very alert, they make attentive watch dogs. Especially if well socialized early on, they do very well with children and are initially wary of strangers but then very friendly. Boxers are not suited to live outdoors and don’t handle extreme weather very well. Due to their build and how strong they are, it is very important to train them early on as puppies to ensure they grow to be friendly, well behaved and socialized dogs. They have a short coat of fur overtop a muscular frame and have actually been known to groom themselves, so they are relatively easy to care for in this regard. Although they are generally healthy dogs, they are prone to weight gain and their food should be monitored. Boxers are extremely playful and although they look tough are actually very loving dogs!