
26 months 2 weeks old

Carlisle , KY




Birth Date

Nov 03, 2022



Available On

Jan 17, 2025




Generation P

Rita was born on 11/03/2022. Her parents are here at the kennel.  She had a litter of 3 puppies.  She gets along with other dogs and animals (not sure about cats). Does excellent with kids.  She needs a family of her own. Priced at $250 to make sure she gets a family that can care for her.  She is up to date on vaccinations, except rabies. She is on Bravecto for fleas and ticks. She is approximately 12-14 pounds. We have decided not to breed her again. She has been missing her right leg from knee down. She was born that way.  She will go out the doggie door to do her business.

Similar Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies for sale in East Earl, PA - Twix


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

7 weeks 5 days old
Ready to meet your buddy that you get to go do all sorts of adventures with? These precious Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies will be your dream dog and be your best pal! After all they do say a dog is a mans best friend. These sweeties will be sure to live up to that! The puppies are very laid back and enjoy napping as much as possible. The puppies do enjoy playing with our daughter and receiving as many pets as possible. The puppies get loved on from a young age helping them to get used to people. We love our puppies and they make our lives extra fun when we have them around and want to make sure they go to the best home possible and can make your life just a little more special. The puppies mother and father are both excellent, outgoing, friendly family pets who enjoy life on the premises. The puppies mother Patches is available for you to see and meet when you come and visit the puppies if you would like. The puppies mother is a Ruby colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who is about fifteen pounds and their daddy is a Blenheim colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who is also about fifteen pounds. The puppies parents are ACA registered. The puppies can be registered under ACA if you would like. These cutie pies will be sure to spice up your life and make it a whole lot sweeter once you add them into your family. The puppies can not wait to meet you and start your happily ever after! Give us a call today to learn more about our puppies and how you get to add one of these precious puppies into it!!