Meet Winston! This little softie will make a great addition to your family with his sweet, playful personality. The momma is our white labradoodle weighing 30lbs. The dad is our long-haired, red miniature dachshund weighing 11lbs.
Winston is just such a handsome kid!! He is the biggest pup of the litter, and an absolute momma’s boy! Winston loves playing with his siblings, our cats, our other dogs and our 2 year old son. Winston will most likely be around 18-25lbs. and have a long, wavy coat that is mostly soft and a bit course.
We are a small family breeder and spend intentional time with our pups each day playing with them and loving on them! Our goal is to provide the best experience for both Winston and his new family in the new puppy process! Winston is being vaccinated and dewormed according to schedule. He will come with a paper of that schedule and puppy food. If you have any questions about our sweet Winston please give me a call or text.