🐾Meet Fido the Dachshund🐾
Fido weighs 2 lb and 4 oz he is up to date on all shots and vaccines!!! He is vet checked, microchipped and ready for his new home!!
(Dad) is a very friendly ACA registered red dachshund with his beautiful white breast weighing 12 lbs ..
(Mom) is a very friendly ACA registered dachshund very very gorgeous to look at with her red smooth coat bringing out her beautiful tan points , weighing 8lbs and 2 oz....
Fido will be sure to brighten your day and every day following with his cute little face and his sweet personality🤗
if you have any questions or would like to come out and visit him be sure to contact me for further information!
If unavailable to come out and pick him up no problem let me know I will schedule delivery and you're pawsome little one will be delivered right to your front door...
Vet check
shot records
microchip registration information
small bag of food