
9 weeks 2 days old

Newmanstown , PA


Requires a $500.00 deposit.



Birth Date

Nov 23, 2024



Available On

Jan 18, 2025




Generation P

Tank is a stunning akc english bulldog puppy! He is a very wrinkly guy! His body build is incredible. He loves to play with his brothers and sisters. He will also sit out on the sideline to watch them play. Tank is a loyal puppy and loves to be held by our younger children. He loves to be around our children. He was vet checked and has excellent health! He is up to date with his vaccine and is dewormed. His mom is our family pet that loves to roam our property. Mom is a ghost merle with one blue eye. Dad is a lilac tri and an import from the UK. English Bulldogs have a calm, courageous, and friendly temperament. They are sweet-natured, extremely loyal, and form strong bonds with their families. They thrive on human companionship. Tank will go to his fur-ever home with a puppy bag filled with a stuffy, a blanket that smells like his mom, puppy food, vet papers, akc paperwork, and his family litter certificate. 

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