6 weeks 6 days old
Requires a $1,000.00 deposit.
femaleBirth Date
Nov 23, 2024Size
smallAvailable On
Jan 23, 2025Registration
Take me home as soon as January 23!
Maiya is 1 of 2 females in her litter. She has no problems with feeding! In the their first week after birth, Maiya weighed the least, but now has grown to the average weight of all the puppies. We have been monitoring weight by oz. and her health has consistently been developing. As of characteristics, Maiya walks around more than others & is playful. Her stance seems to look promising as she looks very short vertically and horizontally, while keeping a great shape! As for pickup or visiting info, we are located in Ontario/Eastvale off of Archibald.
Home raised
1st set of vaccines
Deworming starts at 2wks for every other week
AKC registration
Puppy starter pack
$1000 insures your hold.
About The Breeder:
Luxury Frenchies
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