I was born December 4th, 2024. I am from a litter of 9. I will be microchipped, dewormed, vaccinated, and vet-checked when I am ready to go to my new home on January 29th. I'd love to be your fur-ever friend!! If you choose to reserve me today, my current family will send pictures and updates as often as you like until I come home to live with you! Our mom is AKC-registered, and has taken good care of us! She weighs 75lbs and is a beautiful golden. She has a great personality and loves attention. Our dad weighs 85lbs and is a beautiful, dark red. He is AKC-registered and lives with us as well.
•Shipping is available, just ask!
• We accept Apple Pay, Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp
• Since Sunday is our day of rest, all Sunday inquiries will be returned on Monday. No Sunday sales or Pick-ups.
•We welcome you to come meet your puppy in person, but also understand that may not be an option so we are available to video chat if you'd like to meet that way.