Silver lab puppy ! Come meet this sweet and beautiful little girl named Roxie . She is a AKC Reg. Silver Lab. female Puppy . She has a AKC Reg. Silver Labrador Retriever momma named Beauty, and her daddy is a AKC Reg. Silver Labrador Retriever, named Rambo….Roxie will be Standard size, and is silver in hair color. She is very playful and well socialized…She is vet. checked, w/ a healthy report, and up to date on all of her vaccines and deworming,also microchipped. Roxie is ready to join you anytime ! A deposit of $100.00 will hold her until pick up time, by Venmo or PayPal… Ground shipping to your door is also available, for a reasonable fee. For more information, pictures or videos, please call or text Vera .