
8 weeks old

Little River , TX

$600.00 was $700.00

Requires a $200.00 deposit.



Birth Date

Nov 08, 2024



Available On

Jan 03, 2025




Generation P

Meet Noel! She is such a sweet little lady. Noel is a beautiful black tricolored, purebred Miniature Australian Shepherd. Her parents are ASDR registered. Her mother is 15" & 21 lbs. and her father is 13" & 13 lbs. So their puppies will be on the smaller side of the mini Aussie scale. Noel has a natural bobtail that she inherited from her dad, who has the bobtail gene. We believe in keeping our puppies tails since Australian Shepherds are not used as herding dogs anymore and tails are now allowed in the show ring, so some of her littermates have their tails. I am happy to send you videos of our puppies. They are litter trained and will come with their ASDR registration papers, health records, up to date vaccinations, regular parasite prevention, and a new puppy goodie bag. You can find my contact info, more about us and our puppies and their parents at our website:

We are located in a little town close to Temple, Texas. You are welcome to come out and meet them in person to pick out your puppy, when they are 6 weeks old and have had their first vaccinations. I can also send you some videos of the pups you are interested in. You can reserve a puppy with a $200 deposit. It does come off the total price of the puppy. Your puppy can be picked up at our home when they are old enough or we are also willing to drive about 60 miles out of Temple to meet you in person with your puppy to shorten your trip. We do Not ship or deliver our puppies cross country. You can find my contact info, more about us and our puppies and their parents at our website:

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