Tiny Tessa

8 weeks 5 days old

Millersburg, OH




Birth Date

Jul 21, 2024


extra small

Available On

Sep 20, 2024




Generation P

Meet the cutest little girl! Tiny Tessa weighs only 1 lb. 3 oz. at almost 10 weeks old! She is ready for her forever home once she weighs 2 lb. Tiny Tessa has the sweetest,  most loving personality.  She is the perfect lap dog or the perfect size to take anywhere with you. She is eating royal canine mother and baby starter. I would recommend keeping her on that food. She has always been a healthy little puppy and is eating well! Shipping is available to your home but she needs to be a good 2 lbs before she can be shipped.  Contact me with any questions! 

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