Look at me! I am an ACA registered Mini Poodle puppy! My Mom is Snowy a 9lb Toy Poodle and my Dad is Oscar a 7lb Toy Poodle. I was born on November 23rd and I will be ready for my forever home on January 18th! I have been family raised on a mini farm in the country around children. I have had my shots and de-wormers. I have been checked by a veterinarian and microchipped. For more information or to schedule a visit with me, please contact Edwin and Susan Monday through Saturday. All Sunday calls will be returned on Monday.
I will come with a small bag of my current food, my vet papers, shot and dewormer records, and collar. A 30 day health guarantee and a 1 year genetic guarantee. I will also come with my ACA paperwork.
We would be happy to help you with setting up transportation and shipping of your puppy if needed at an additional cost.
When you think of a Poodle what comes to mind is the circus performing dog with the fancy haircuts and frilly outfits. However, they were initially bred to be water retrievers. They would leap into the water and fetch fowl, arrows, and whatever else a hunter needed to be recovered. It has been noted that the Poodle originated in Germany, where the name came from the German word “pudel or pudelin” which means a splash in the water. While in France where the Poodle became popular it was known as a “Caniche.” “Caniche” came from the French word “chien canard” which means duck dog. The breed had its hair cut in a specific style to assist them in the job they were meant to do. They are extremely bright, dignified, and devoted, and make great pets for the family. Toy Poodles would not be good with small children, but are great for apartment living as long as they do get the exercise they need, or they can become destructive. Toy Poodles are usually 10 inches high, and normally weigh 6- 9 pounds.