She was born November 18 and will be ready to go January 13 at 8 weeks of age!
Tikka (mom) is fawn and Ruger (dad) is black. Both are health tested to ensure puppies are free of NME and PK deficiency!
Puppies are raised in our living room, on our country farm. They are in the hands of children from day 1. They will come crate trained and started on outside house breaking. They will be exposed to cows, horses, chickens, ducks, cats and other dogs as well as lots of noises including lawn mowers, tractors, vacuums, etc.
All puppies leave to their forever homes up to date on shots and deworming and will be microchipped. They have a 2 year written health guarantee and spay/neuter contract.
Breeding rights (FULL AKC) is available for $2000 more.
We are located by La Crosse, WI. Meeting and delivery are available. Minneapolis MN and Milwaukee WI are the closest large airports if you'd like to fly in yourself. We can also hand deliver up to 18 hours away for an additional maximum fee of $500.
Pet price is $1000. Breeding rights price is $3000.