Hi, I am Smokey and my mom calls me "Super Puppy" because I am such a good boy. She also tells me I am really cute every day. I am looking for loving humans that will consider me as another member of the family.
Smokey is simply a joy to have around. He is crate trained and is pretty good at using a pee pad. Smokey's mother is Rose. She weighs 15 lb. His father is named Toby. Toby weighs 20 lb. Both parents are AKC registered.
Smokey is raised in our home with a lot of love! Our son loves to play with him. Our puppies are raised in our home and get plenty of exercise, interaction, and playtime. Our puppies come with a 1 year genetic health guarantee. They come already microchipped. They had a physical exam with our vet. We send along a small bag of dog food and a towel with the scent of the litter on it. You will also receive their microchip application and a copy of their vet exam and their health records.
Please contact us today if you are interested in bringing Smokey into your loving home.