Vixen is a very sweet, playful female Shihpoo that is 12 weeks old and ready for her forever home! Parents are 8 and 13 lbs. She is vet checked, up to date on vaccinations, dewormed, and microchipped. Great pup, eating well. Call, text or email anytime. We are happy to FaceTime! We are located in Youngstown, OH (Boardman). We work with some wonderful ground transporters that we can highly recommend if buyer is interested in transport. Total amount with tax would be $853.63. A deposit holds for one week. Anything longer than one week incurs a $50/per week boarding fee. Payment Options: Cash (preferred) or Debit/Credit Cards through Square. We can also accept Venmo and Zelle. No personal checks. OPTIONAL DEPOSIT INFORMATION: When you make a $200 deposit ($215 with tax), this pup will be held for you and only you therefore deposits are nonrefundable. Deposits are accepted with the balance being due at time of pick up.