
13 weeks 6 days old

Millersburg, OH




Birth Date

Jun 11, 2024



Available On

Aug 06, 2024


Generation P

Meet Tofu whos a charismatic female corgi, her big curious eyes and cute paws are sure to steal your hear. Tofu is a bundle of joy who loves to play and explore the world around her. She is sure to be a great companion whether it is playtime or cuddle time, Tofu is ready to bring happiness and warmth to her new home. She is updated on all her shots a dewormer, she is sure to steal your heart just as she has ours.

Her mother (Lola) is a family pet who is loved by her owners and needs a lot of attention, exercise, and affection. She is very energetic and loves being around people. It seems her puppies are following in her paw prints. 

If you would like to adopt Tofu or get more information please reach out via call or text.

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