6 weeks 3 days old
femaleBirth Date
Nov 30, 2024Size
teacupAvailable On
Feb 02, 2025Registration
Meet Layla! She is a tiny Yorkie girl who is super sweet and loves attention! How can anyone say no to her little face? She is APRI registered and will be ready to go after February 2nd! Mom is 4.5lbs and dad is 3lbs. Layla will have 2 rounds of vaccinations and a final puppy vet check before she goes to her forever family! Each puppy will get a puppy care package to go to their new homes with. The care package includes registration papers, vaccination/vet records, sample puppy food, and a toy/blanket with litter mates scent to help with transitioning into their new homes!
About The Breeder:
Double D
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