Leanna Ross
Sunbury, PA 17801
Hello! We are a family who lives out in the country near the family dairy farm. Dad works on his multi -generation family farm and the rest of us raise puppies and rabbits. We have five Labrador Retrievers and one Beagle. Our oldest female lab, Lia, is the boss dog around here. She is very sweet, fast, and agile. She doesn’t share food with other dogs but that is about her only fault. Ranger, our resident male, is the second in command and he is great too. He is smart, loves attention, and is good with the puppies. Then we have two of Ranger and Lia’s daughters, one of which is super smart. And our last lab is a sweet, white, wiggle bug, named Lana. Lula, our Beagle, has been a great mom and good with our kids.
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