Stitch In Time
Birdsboro, PA 19508
Hello my name is Dianah and I love toy poodles. I have had poodles in my life most of my life so they hold a special place in my heart. Rosey and Betty came into my life 2 years ago. Rosey is a 6 lb red toy poodle and Betty is an 80 pound white german shepherd. Since they've grown up with each other, they truly have a special friendship.
In December of 2023 we breed Rosey with a 6 ld red toy male poodle named Teddy. Teddy's human family has 5 beautiful children. When Rosey stayed with them she did AMAZING with the children the breeder stated. I also have 3 children. Once rosey becomes acclimated with new human friends she adores them like they are her own.
Rsoey is hypoallergenic and does not shed. We take her yo the groomers every 3 months to get her nails, ears and hair trimmed. Not having additional shedding is a blessing after having a German shepherd.
Rosey is extremely loyal, loving, tender and my favorite thing is she is extremely cuddly. She had been such an amazing companion I am beyond please to have her in our family.
Rosey doesn't run away she follows me everywhere. She rarely barks unless she knows someone is at the door or if there is different noise. I breed her because her personality is impeccable and I would love for her daughters to share there amazing personality with a human or a human family.
Please contact me with any other additional questions. Lemon and Lucy will be ready for there forever home April 14, 2024.
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