Why sell your puppies on Lancaster Puppies
- Reach a large audience: Over 1 million people every month are searching for their future pup on Lancaster Puppies.
- Find a forever home for your puppies: 87% of puppies find a loving, forever home within 45 days of being listed on Lancaster Puppies.
- Trusted and safe: Founded in 2004, we take great care in fostering a community of the best breeders. With a team of trust and safety experts reviewing each listing, animal welfare and safe breeding are of the utmost priority.
- Personal support: If you need any help, you can call us 9am to 4pm ET at 717-484-9580 or send us an email at contact@lancasterpuppies.com.
- Build your online presence: Get access to our personalized breeder pages - build out your profile, link to your website or social media and grow your brand.
100% off when you join today! Apply the promo code JOINLP100 when you create your first listing and get started!
Promo code is valid for all listing types and is applied at check-out.
Guidelines for Puppy Listings
Our golden rule: We only allow you to list your puppies through our platform, if you are committed to taking good care of your puppies and dogs
Committed breeders only: List your puppies only if you are interested in making sure they are placed in happy homes
One puppy per listing: Each listing is reserved for one puppy. If you have a litter of eight pups, you can quickly create eight listings, connected to the same litter.
Classified Puppy Advertising
To sell your puppies and create an advertisement, follow the steps below:
Create an account: Head to LancasterPuppies.com and create a seller account; our team will approve your account within 24 hours
Create an ad: Create an ad with all the information about the individual puppy you are selling:
- Name, breed, age, personality
- Fill in your phone number & email for prospective buyers to contact you
- Add pictures of the puppy you are selling; use different angles, include photos of their parents and highlight them engaging in various activities.
- Please note, you may only sell one puppy per advertisement. If you include pictures of other puppies for sale, your ad will be removed immediately.
More than one pup? Quickly create an additional advertisement per puppy.
Pay for your order: After creating your ads, pay your listing fee with a credit card to get started!
Apply the promo code JOINLP100 for 100% off your first listing.
Be available for contact: Check your phone and email for buyers that are ready to find their furry companion!
Updating Your Puppy Advertisement
Update the listing whenever you want: You can update the puppy’s pictures as often as you would like until the ad expires, it is great to show the puppies as they continue to age if they are still available for sale
Do NOT change breed or title: You are not permitted to change the title or breed once the listing has been created or switch an ad to a different puppy once that puppy is sold.
Keep an eye on the expiration date: Once the listing has expired, the advertisement will no longer appear on Lancaster Puppies.
Frequently Asked Questions
How old do puppies have to be to sell on Lancaster Puppies?
Puppies have to be eight weeks old to be sold on Lancaster Puppies
How do I sell my puppies online?
Create a seller account on Lancaster Puppies and follow along the steps in the “Classified Puppy Advertising” section above
How can I sell my puppies fast?
The stronger the listing, the higher your chances are for a fast sale of your pups
Photo quality, listing detail and addition of photos and videos for the potential buyers to review can contribute to a faster sale
What if I am an advertising agency looking to sell puppies?
You are welcome to list your client's puppies, however, you may only provide a link to an external website representing that specific seller. The listing must reflect only the actual seller's information. Please only include watermarks or URLs if they represent the seller's information.
Does Lancaster Puppies support advertising for Stud Dogs Services?
Yes! You can place a stud dog ad for as low as $15. To list your stud dog, head to your account and dashboard, then click by “create a listing” with the option for a stud dog.