This is Trixie! She always has the cutest facial expressions. she is a bit shy,until you pet her,than she can't get enough loving!
Her mom is beautiful tricolor party pom and weight is 11 lbs and her father is beautiful blue Merle and weight is 9 lbs .
She has her 1st vaccine and has been dewormed. She comes with a nice puppy package that Includes:
* Purina puppy pro plan,some dry and wet food
* Halloween glow in dark leash and harness.
.* Pocket pom carrier
* some cute puppy shirts
* puppy bed
* whatever else I decide to add.
It's cash only when you pick up your puppy. Your definitely welcome to our home to meet the parents and all our spoiled Pomeranians. If you want to meet,we will travel one hour for free. Anything longer we do charge a fee through PayPal prior to meeting.
My poms are Great Quality Pets and I have references local and out of state. I do not sell to breeders and my puppies only go to the Best of Homes!
Thanks for checking out my adorable precious poms, and have a Great Day!