Meet Tripp!
Tripp is an adorable Parti Yorkie puppy looking for his new furever home. Tripps mom weighs 3lbs and Tripps dad weighs 2.9lbs. Tripp is expected to weigh 4-5 lbs at maturity. He currently weighs 1.4lbs, and has received a clean bill of health from the vet.
Due to Tripps incredibly small size, Tripp will be looking for his new home at 10-12 weeks old (on or after 1/11/25). He will leave for his new home with the appropriate puppy vaccinations, deworming, a clean fecal, microchipped and vet checked. All vet paperwork will be provided at pickup. Tripp is being raised in our home with children, cats and dogs. Mom and dad are available for you to meet!
Tripp leaves for his new home w/:
Vaccine records
Vet check paperwork
Microchip registration
Harness Food (Royal Canin XSmall Starter)
Pee pads
Food bowl and water bowl
2 toys
Training Treats
A puppy is a lifetime commitment, please consult with all necessary persons PRIOR to inquiring. Puppies can not be sold to persons under the age of 18yrs. A puppy can not be reserved/held without a deposit.
For biosecurity purposes, puppies can not be met in person until 8 weeks of age HOWEVER facetime is available if you would like to secure your puppy with a non refundable deposit sooner.
Due to their puppy/adult size this puppy will not be permitted in a home with children under the age of 10 years.